By enrolling your child at Onyx School of Performing Arts, you accept these terms and conditions as an ongoing agreement. Terms and conditions shall be deemed accepted by the parent/carer upon the first booking and payment of a class.
The Agreement is made between the parent/guardian of each enrolled student and Onyx School of Performing Arts Ltd (trading as Onyx School of Performing Arts) and is valid at all times once enrolled in any Onyx activity and until written notice is given in accordance with these terms and conditions.
1 Enrolling a new student
1.1 To apply for a place for a new student, parents/guardians must agree to these terms and conditions.
1.2 To apply for a trial, please complete our 'Book Your Trial' form. Please ensure that all contact details are correct - these will be used in case of an emergency. Parent/guardian details on this form will also be used if the students chooses to enrol into any Onyx activity.
1.3 If Onyx cannot accept a student due to capacity, Onyx will place the student on a Waiting List, and will contact the parent/guardian as soon as a place becomes available.
2 Photography
2.1 Photography and videos may be taken during class, shows and events. These may be posted on the schools social media pages, website and for marketing purposes. Please inform Onyx via email if you do not give permission for the students image to be used
2.2 Onyx cannot take any responsibility for any images published by any third parties at public events/shows.
3 Fees and Payments
3.1 Fees are based on a 10 -14 week term. Term dates will be sent out at the beginning of each term and can be found on our website
3.2 Fees are payable termly and are to be paid no later than the week before the first class of each new term. To avoid incurring a late payment fee of £5 per week, please contact us no later that 10 days before the commencement of the new term
3.3 Unless prior agreement has been made with Onyx via email, a student will not be able to participate in the class without the fee being paid
3.4 We want our classes to be accessible to all, please contact us if you would like to arrange a payment plan
3.5 If you do wish to pay via a payment plan, our termly commitments still applies (a terms attendance with six weeks notice if you wish to terminate).
4 Cancellations of Membership and Refunds
4.1 Onyx School of Performing Arts do not offer any refunds.
4.2 If a student no longer wishes to participate in their class, they are able to transfer to another class. Any difference in price must be settled before the start of the new class
4.3 Onyx School of Performing Arts is unable to issue any refunds if a student misses a scheduled session. Make up sessions are also not permitted
4.4 In the rare event that Onyx cancels a session and less than 10 weeks of sessions are provided (see 3.1), the fee for the missed class will be deducted from next terms payment
4.5 To cancel membership, the parent/guardian must notify Onyx School of Performing Arts via email six weeks before the start of the new term.
4.5 If six weeks notice is not given, the student is automatically re-enrolled onto the course for the following term.
4.6 If you do not notify Onyx that you would like to terminate membership six weeks before the start of the next term, then the parent/guardian will remain liable for half of the full term fees, regardless of attendance of the student.
5 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
5.1 The parent/guardian agrees that all information is up to date
5.2 Parents/guardians are not able to observe classes
5.3 Parents/guardians must understand that teachers may need to use physical contact in classes to help further explain and instruct
5.4 It is the parent/guardians responsibility to inform Onyx about any medical/behavioural conditions
5.5 Onyx School of Performing Arts do not accept responsibility for anything lost or stolen
5.6 You and your child must treat all members of staff, children and parents/guardians with respect at all times. Bullying in any form will not be tolerated.
6 Class Etiquette
6.1 All students should arrive on time in the correct uniform
6.2 Parents/guardians/students must inform the teacher of any injuries before the start of the class
6.3 Students are expected to listen during the class. A child may be asked to sit out if they are continuously disruptive.
7 Health and Safety
7.1 Parents/guardians/students must inform Onyx School of Performing Arts of any existing injuries or medical conditions
7.2 Onyx School of Performing Arts cannot accept liability for any injury incurred during class and/or performances
7.3 As stated in clause 5.4, parents/guardians must notify Onyx School of Performing Arts of any known medical/behavioural conditions on the 'Book Your Trial' form
7.4 Any changes to the above information must be provided to Onyx School of Performing Arts in writing
7.5 Any medication left in the studio must be clearly labelled and the student must be able to administer it themselves
7.5 Students must wear suitable footwear and uniform at all times
7.6 In the rare event that an ambulance needs to be called, a parent/guardian/emergency contact will be contacted straight away. If the parent has not arrived at the studio before the arrival of the ambulance, a member of staff will travel with the student, with all supplied medical information, until the parent/guardian arrives.
Little Dynamites
FUSEBOX, 2 Bucklands Wharf, Thames Side, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1TF
The Firecrackers
Kingston College, Kingston Hall Rd, Kingston upon Thames